agree something is good
Synonyms: accept, acclaim, admire, applaud, appreciate, approbate, be big on, commend, countenance, esteem, face it, favor, go along with, grin and bear it, handle, like, live with, praise, put up with, regard highly, respect, roll with punches, string along with, take up on, think highly of
Antonyms: disagree, disapprove
allow, authorize
Synonyms: accede, accept, accredit, acquiesce, advocate, affirm, agree, assent, authorize, back, bless, boost, buy, buy into, certify, charter, concur, confirm, consent, dig, empower, encourage, endorse, establish, get behind, give go-ahead, go along with, groove, hats off to, lap up, license, maintain, make law, make valid, mandate, okay, permit, pronounce, push for, ratify, recommend, sanction, seal, second, sign, sign off on, stump for, subscribe to, support, thumbs up, uphold, validate
Antonyms: disallow, disapprove, invalidate, oppose, refuse, reject