total, not lacking
Synonyms: all, entire, exhaustive, faultless, full, full-dress, gross, hook line and sinker, imperforate, intact, integral, integrated, lock stock and barrel, organic, outright, plenary, replete, the works, thorough, thoroughgoing, unabbreviated, unabridged, unbroken, uncondensed, uncut, undiminished, undivided, undocked, unexpurgated, unimpaired, unitary, unreduced, whole, whole enchilada, whole-hog, whole-length, whole nine yards
Antonyms: defective, deficient, imperfect, incomplete, lacking, missing, needy, short, wanting
Synonyms: accomplished, achieved, all-embracing, all-inclusive, all over, all over but the shouting, attained, compassed, concluded, consummate, done, done with, down, effected, ended, entire, executed, fini, finished off, full, full-fledged, home free, perfect, plenary, realized, sweeping, terminated, that’s it, through
Antonyms: imperfect, incomplete, unfinished
utter, absolute
Synonyms: blank, blanket, categorical, consummate, downright, dyed-in-the-wool, flawless, impeccable, out-and-out, outright, perfect, positive, sheer, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, unblemished, unconditional, unmitigated, unqualified, whole
carry out action
Synonyms: accomplish, achieve, actualize, bring to fruition, bring to maturity, call it a day, cap, carry off, close, conclude, consummate, crown, determine, develop, discharge, do, do thoroughly, effect, effectuate, elaborate, end, equip, execute, fill, finalize, finish, fulfill, furnish, get through, go the limit, go through with, go whole hog, halt, make good, make up, perfect, perform, put to bed, realize, refine, round off, round out, settle, sew up, supplement, terminate, ultimate, wind up, wrap up
Antonyms: forget, give up, halt, ignore, neglect, stop