number of individuals collectively
Synonyms: accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, assembly, association, assortment, band, batch, battery, bevy, body, bunch, bundle, cartel, category, chain, circle, class, clique, clot, club, clump, cluster, clutch, collection, combination, combine, company, conglomerate, congregation, coterie, covey, crew, crowd, faction, formation, gang, gathering, grade, league, lot, mess, organization, pack, parcel, party, passel, platoon, pool, posse, set, shooting match, society, sort, suite, syndicate, troop, trust
bring together
Synonyms: arrange, assemble, associate, band together, bracket, bunch, bunch up, cluster, collect, congregate, consort, corral, crowd, gang around, gang up, gather, get together, hang out, harmonize, huddle, link, make the scene, meet, organize, poke, punch, round up, scare up, systematize
Antonyms: disperse, scatter, spread
classify, sort
Synonyms: arrange, assemble, associate, assort, bracket, categorize, class, dispose, file, gather, marshal, order, organize, pigeonhole, put together, range, rank
Antonyms: jumble, mix up