very large
Synonyms: abundant, ample, big, big league, bulky, bull, colossal, considerable, decided, enormous, excessive, extended, extensive, extravagant, extreme, fat, gigantic, grievous, high, huge, humongous, husky, immense, inordinate, jumbo, lengthy, long, major league, mammoth, mondo, numerous, oversize, prodigious, prolonged, pronounced, protracted, strong, stupendous, terrible, titanic, towering, tremendous, vast, voluminous
Antonyms: few, little, miniature, minute, short, small
important, celebrated
Synonyms: august, capital, chief, commanding, dignified, distinguished, eminent, exalted, excellent, famed, famous, fine, glorious, grand, heroic, highly regarded, high-minded, honorable, idealistic, illustrious, impressive, leading, lofty, magnanimous, main, major, noble, notable, noted, noteworthy, outstanding, paramount, primary, principal, prominent, puissant, regal, remarkable, renowned, royal, stately, sublime, superior, superlative, talented
Antonyms: infamous, insignificant, powerless, uncelebrated, undignified, unimportant, unknown, weak
excellent, skillful
Synonyms: able, absolute, aces, adept, admirable, adroit, awesome, bad, best, brutal, cold, complete, consummate, crack, downright, dynamite, egregious, exceptional, expert, fab, fantastic, fine, first-class, first-rate, good, heavy, hellacious, marvelous, masterly, number one, out-and-out, out of sight, out of this world, perfect, positive, proficient, super-duper, surpassing, terrific, total, tough, transcendent, tremendous, unmitigated, unqualified, utter, wonderful
Antonyms: ignorant, menial, poor, stupid, unskilled, weak