anxiety, trouble
Synonyms: anguish, annoyance, apprehension, bad news, care, concern, disquiet, distress, disturbance, doubt, fear, headache, heartache, irritation, misery, misgiving, nag, pain, perplexity, pest, plague, presentiment, problem, torment, torture, trial, uncertainty, uneasiness, vexation, woe, worriment
Antonyms: calmness, reassurance
be or make anxious, troubled
Synonyms: afflict, aggrieve, agonize, ail, annoy, attack, bedevil, beleaguer, beset, bite one’s nails, bother, brood, bug, chafe, concern oneself, depress, despair, disquiet, distress, disturb, dun, feel uneasy, fret, gnaw at, goad, go for, harass, harry, hassle, have qualms, hector, importune, irritate, needle, oppress, persecute, perturb, pester, plague, stew, sweat out, take on, tantalize, tear, tease, test, torment, torture, trouble, try, unsettle, upset, vex, wince, writhe, wrong
Antonyms: reassure